A virtual data room is an online repository of information used to store and share documents. In most cases, this product is used to facilitate integration and acquisition, debt consolidation or due diligence on private contracts and investments. This is why the creation process has traditionally used body space to find evidence. Due to cost, efficiency, and security, virtual data rooms have largely been replaced by traditional physical data rooms. Of course, vdr price varies as much as possible. The virtual data space is an extranet that includes providers and consultants.

Price Of Virtual Data Room

It is worth noting that the price per page ranges from $ 20,000 to $ 40,000, depending on indicators such as the size and size of the transaction. Meanwhile, there are times when the price exceeds $100,000, when heavy costs and extended terms pay off. In short, the main criteria that determine the cost of a particular virtual room are cost, size and length. H2: Specify the value structure for a virtual data room The virtual data room value and the normal value are two factors directly related to the vendor. Basically, the price of the VDR is determined by the following factors:

Page By Page For Better Cost

A lot of providers rely on the value of each page. It all depends on the size and criteria of the project or contract, but on average, the supplier’s price is $0.40 to $0.85 per page. This kind of value is very interesting and useful for small projects with lots of private documents. Accordingly, large projects, in this case, involve large invoices and commissions.

Per User

Each user is assigned a separate portion of the VDR, a set of different user licenses. As a result, developers want more money for every other user. Meanwhile, the number of initial users and the value to increase are very different depending on the particular supplier. However, there is a pattern that data rooms cost between $100 and $250 (unit of measure – administrative user). To add more, it is large enough for the customer to enter the data room at no additional cost.

Storage volumes

Storage volumes are the third most effective and common way that VDR vendors can price their products. Some developers form their cost structure based on the number of gigabytes (GB) a room consumes. But most other suppliers usually specify a specific GB or a certain range, and in the case of surplus, they simply charge an additional fee for them. In the meantime, these very surpluses cost up to $ 75 per gigabyte. It should be added that this is a great option for projects and transactions with an average volume of text files.


In conclusion, it should be said that it is imperative to consider the pricing policy when deciding on the choice of a data room. After all, certainly completely unexpected expenses can cause disruption or unsuccessful completion of a project or a transaction, in order to prevent this, it is necessary to set fixed prices and carefully study one or another VDR. It is very important to clearly and responsibly think over your own budget, and only then start looking for the most suitable data room. Thus, you will get a more favorable cost.
